
New Things This Week (09/07/2014)

This has turned out to be more of a challenge lately than I thought but I am dedicated to this new type of post and have running notes going on my iphone that I update as I see new things.

Here are some cool things Julianna did last week:

Asked to go to School
Starting Preschool can be a bit of a change for kids. We are starting week four and there are still kids that are crying in the morning line and throwing fits. So having Julianna ask to go to School was a big milestone such that it signifies that she really likes school and looks forward to going. Big win!

Carry Me
Julianna has been able to communicate when she wants to be picked since she was really small but actually saying it? And throwing in 'Daddy', well that's new! Nothing tugs at my heart strings more than asking for help by name.

A Booboo
Scratches, bumps, or a bug bite are now referred to as a 'booboo!' which is easily fixed with a Band-Aid and some no itch medicine. There's a name for that now and its name is booboo! Thankfully we don't get too many of these.

Color Things
Julianna has loved coloring for a couple of months now but has recently started to actually pick out items, say what they are, and then apply crayon to them. The colors don't seem to matter but she is picking out things and applying crayon to them. Who knows, next thing you know we'll be drawing inside the lines!

Help Me?
Like the 'Carry Me', Julianna has been able to communicate when she needs help for a while but now she can actually say 'help me?' and stick who at the end.

Preschool has a slide that Julianna loves to slide on. The difference between that slide and our slide is I wanted ours to last longer so it is taller and faster than a typical toddler slide like the one at Preschool. Julianna does not know this and recently tried out the slide by herself while I was watering some flowers. Boy, she was not expecting that! But being a trooper she did do it a couple more times with my help but still has to learn how to slow herself down a bit with the rails hehe.

Packing the Sand Bucket
Julianna has loved putting sand in to containers but recently has become very internally with packing and dumping sand from the sand castle buckets. Now if I would just discourage the stomping with the feet we would be all seat to make sand castles.


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  1. I can’t wait to play with her in the sandbox! Have to teach her to make certain college sayings in the sand 😉 And J-bird does really love coloring!

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Julianna Nicole Clay

Born: June 10, 2012 at 11:54PM Weight: 9 Pounds and 9 Ounces Length: 22 Inches, Birthstone: Pearl

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

The Gemini child is very curious. All facets of life fascinate her, and she loves to explore nature. Gemini Baby quickly learns how to talk and walk. Her parents must watch her carefully because she often strays from view. She needs to wander, to walk, to know, to communicate. She gets bored quite easily, and needs to develop multiple interests. She is the kind of person who can do many things at the same time.

The Year of the Dragon – 2012

The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart makes the Dragon's brash, fiery energy far more palatable. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charming charisma that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. This Sign is truly blessed, too; Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love! The Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.
May 2024
